Jan 31, 2020

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How Healthy Are You?


Take this test and find out where you

can improve your life.

Awareness opens the door to infinite


Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health.



Take this test and find out where you

can improve your life.


Please answer the below questions with a number from 1-10. 

1= Not at all agreeing with this

10= Yes that is me a 100%!


Question 1-12: Add the score of each question

and read the below:

Allowing Health

1= Not at all agreeing with this

10= Yes that is me a 100%!


  1. How healthy do you feel?
  2. Are you able to do what you enjoy ?
  3. Do you have a pain free body?
  4. Do you feel enthusiastic?
  5. Do you deserve to be happy?
  6. Are you eating the best diet?
  7. Are you prioritizing YOU?
  8. Do you feel empowered?
  9. Do you feel supported?
  10. Do you have a positive outlook on,life?
  11. Do you feel grateful?
  12. Are you willing to do what it takes?


12-45: Something is holding you back. You are not trusting the process and stepping up to the plate. From here you can only get healthier. KNOW it is your natural state to be healthy and happy. Never give up and reach out for support.

15-90: You are on your way to feeling better. I know this is a right ride, but you are on the right track. Work on knowing you are worthy. Look at your lowest score questions and

work on them. Staying on track is a practice of self-worth.

90-120: Bravo, you are really rocking your journey, meaning allowing change to take place BIG time. Keep on going, following your heart and soul. More bliss to come!





  1. Do you love your job?
  2. Did you end up following your dream?
  3. Have how you see others changed?
  4. Do you express your inner thoughts?
  5. Do you have a hobby?
  6. Are you wearing masks?
  7. Are people judging you?
  8. Do you FEEL judged?
  9. Do you care about what other people think?
  10. Are you depressed?
  11. Do you experience low energy?
  12. Does people or situations often irritate you?



5-10: You are confined in your own personal invisible prison. Keeping you from living your potential and your dream. Write a

dream journal.

10-35: Your life is not fully by your own design, meaning you can detach from what you feel you need to do.

35-50: Following your dream and passion creates health and prosperity. More of this!



6-12: What other people think of you is none of your business. Cut the cord and work on your thyroid.

12-40: Its hard to break free from trying to fit in. Time to show the world who you really are! Let those masks go. Dare be authentic!

40-60: Bravo! The world is a better place. You are your own master.


Emotional health

  1. Are you looking forward to the future?
  2. Do you think a lot?
  3. Do you have a vision board?
  4. Do you have close friends?
  5. Are you passionate about life?
  6. Do you practice yoga and movement?
  7. Do you value stillness?
  8. Do you feel seen?
  9. Do you feel respected?
  10. Do you feel loved?
  11. Are you able to let go?
  12. Have you accepted everything?


12-45: The world is never against you, but always responding to your vibration. Create a vision board, do affirmations and know you are enough. Everything starts with a thought, and your emotions are your GPS to where you need to release old wounds

45-90: You are on the path towards emotional freedom. Let go and find stillness every day. Spend more time in nature. Embrace your situation fully, and go deeper into meditation.

90-120: Your true self is shining through with all of its confidence and power. You are a conscious creator, that flows towards freedom. Less is more, and you will walk lighter as you fully surrender to the process of LIFE


Spiritual Connection 

  1. Do you enjoy alone time?
  2. Do you meditate every day?
  3. Do you ground yourself every day?
  4. Have you forgiven everything?
  5. Do you love your life?
  6. Do you have visions and dreams?
  7. Do you feel safe?
  8. Is your heart open??
  9. Are you enjoying life?
  10. Do you feel blessed?
  11. Do you serve?
  12. Are you grateful?


12-45: Healing starts with self-forgiveness. Feeling comfortable being with YOU. Caring for yourself like you would your best friend. Keep a gratitude journal. Help someone that needs it.

45-90: Serving and following your passion is where you will find true happiness. Keep on walking towards forgiveness of

all and gratefulness for absolutely everything. You are truly blessed.Focus on the now moment and see the beauty in everything.

90-120: With an open heart, and a passion for life, you are healing the world with your presence. Tapping into the divine through your innate wisdom. Follow the bliss and know that YOU are the one you have been waiting for.


Creating awareness

Creating awareness will allow you to tap into your resistance. It will also show you where your potentials are.

Release old patterns and bring you closer to your purpose and passion. IF you allow it.

Your entire being, your soul energy is waiting for you to unlock your invisible prison, and step into the freedom that has always been there. To dare use your wings to fly. To proudly and joyfully walk through life with all its ups and

downs. Allowing everything, surrendering to the process,feeling safe and loved.

You ARE loved.

And so it is.


Carlene Steadman

If you would like a personal session, please call or text me at 801-360-8242


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